Respiratory Health

Why is the degree of diagnostic accuracy dependence on chest auscultation decreasing?
Is it possible to develop a standardized system to analyze respiratory sounds accurately to overcome the subjectivity of auscultation? Is it possible to examine patients in hard-to-reach area?

Artificial Intelligence Algorithm-Assisted Auscultation is a promising new way to help detect heart disease.
The AI-powered digital stethoscope Mintti Smartho-D2 in telemedicine can help identify pediatric pneumonia and structural heart disease with great accuracy whether the patient is in their own home, a clinic, or a virtual health center in rural areas.

For healthcare providers, a digital stethoscope Mintti Smartho-D2 in telemedicine can:
✔ help make a proper diagnosis during a tele-consultation
with a patient in a rural clinic;
✔ help provide remote assessment or email recordings
to colleagues for second opinions;
✔ produce, annotate and edit EMR for further analysis,
and transmission.

For teaching around the bedside, in the classroom or auscultation research, a digital stethoscope Mintti Smartho-D2 can:
✔ save images of wave forms and spectrograms;
✔ amplify, slow down, cut, copy or paste sound segments;
✔ upload and share sounds instantaneously;
✔ record sounds and create a sound sample library.

In treating COVID-19, using a traditional stethoscope becomes a challenge
Fortunately, Mintti Smartho-D2 can provide telemedicine capabilities and allow safe distance auscultation. With Mintti Smartho-D2, medical staff can wear Bluetooth headphones while wearing “a fully equipped spacesuit (PPE)”.